Mining Claims

Researching, filing, or maintaining mining claims in Nevada? This page has the information you need to help in the process.

To Research Active Mining Claims in Nevada

Please visit our Open Data Site Nevada Mining Claims Listing page to view the interactive map.

Locating, Recording, and Maintaining Mining Claims or Sites

Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 43 CFR Parts 3710, 3730, 3810, 3820, 3830–3840, and 3850 [WO–620–1430–00–24 1A] RIN 1004–AD31: The BLM published this rule to streamline the regulations on locating, filing, and maintaining mining claims or sites by consolidating provisions that were scattered in various portions of Groups 3700 and 3800 into ten consecutive parts placing the provisions in logical order, clarifying conflicting language, eliminating duplication, and removing obsolete provisions. These revisions are part of BLM’s overall effort to rewrite regulations in plain language to make them easier for the public to use and understand and to provide better customer service. This final rule is effective November 24, 2003. A complete copy of the final changes has been posted in the link below. View the CFRs in their entirety on the  U.S. Government Publishing Office website under Public Lands: Interior.

New Mining Claim Forms

Please refer to the following forms for New Claims on public land in Nevada:

Mining Claim Maintenance Forms

Please refer to the following forms if you are planning on maintaining a current mining claim on public land:

Affidavit Of Labor On Patented Mining Claims For Exemption Of Taxes: 

This is a county-based assessor form available through the county where the claim is filed. For help and information, please check with the county assessor’s office in the county which the property is located.

If a form is not available and you decide to create your own form, the provides the text needed for the affidavit. Please consult with the appropriate county recorder’s office on form format requirements before filing.  Search for the form on the Nevada Department of Taxation's Locally Assessed Property webpage.