Nevada Eagle Scout AML Securing Program

The abandoned mine securing work performed by Eagle Scout candidates for their service project has provided an assist to the Division of Minerals' AML program that no one could have imagined a few years ago.

Beginning with David Loring, the son of Reno area exploration geologists in September of 1992, there has been a steady stream of eager and impressive young men who have come forward to help the Division fence, barricade, and sign hazardous mine openings.

The Nevada Eagle Scout Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Securing Program chart depicts the number of Eagle Scout volunteers and their associated number of secured hazardous conditions and completed repairs on sites that had been subjected to vandalism. The work has been performed in Carson City, Churchill, Clark, Douglas, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, and Washoe Counties.

The hazards that are secured are found to be "orphan" sites, i.e., sites on open public (BLM or USFS) land. The sites are secured through construction of fences or barricades, and posted with warning signs in accordance with the requirements of NAC (Nevada Administrative Code) 513.370 and 513.390.

Planning and Completing Projects

Materials for the Eagle Scout securing projects are provided by the Division and the work is monitored at all times for safety by Division staff. The Eagle Scout candidate is responsible for all phases of planning of the project including staff, materials needed, and setting the project date. Eagle Scout securing projects fall under the Nevada "Good Samaritan" Law, NRS (Nevada Revised Statues) 41.0331.

The Division of Minerals salutes each and every Eagle Scout for their hard work, dedication and genuine concern for the safety of all people.


If you are interested in doing an Eagle Scout AML project, or would like additional information, please contact:

Southern Nevada: Garrett Wake: 702-486-4344,

Northern Nevada: Sean Derby: 775-684-7047,